Keywords :- C# contains reserved words that have special meaning for the compiler.
These reserved words are called "keywords". Keywords cannot be used
as an identifier (name of a variable, class, interface, etc.).
Keywords in C# are distributed under the following
#Modifier Keywords:-Modifiers allow or prevent certain parts of programs from being modified
by other parts.
#Access Modifier Keywords:-Access modifiers are applied to the declaration of the class, method,
properties, fields, and other members. They define the accessibility of the
class and its members.
#Contextual keywords:- A contextual keyword is used to provide a specific
meaning in the code, but it is not a reserved word in C#. Some contextual
keywords, such as partial and where, have special meanings in two or more
#Statement Keywords:-Statement keywords are related to program flow.
foreach,in,throw, try,catch, finally.
#Parameter Keywords:-These keywords are applied to the parameters of a method.
#Namespace Keywords:-
using, .operator , :: operator.