Opps Tutorials

                 Opps Concepts                            


·         Class

·         Class Types

1.      Static Class

2.      Abstract Class

3.      Sealed Class

4.      Partial Class

5.      Concrete Class/Non Abstract Class

6.      Singleton Class/Non-Static

·         Classs Reference Variable

·         Fields And Properties

·         Methods

·         Method Types

7.      Static Method

8.      Abstract Method

9.      Virtual Method/Pure Virtual Method

10.  Partial Method

11.  Annonymous Method

12.  Extention Method

13.  Concrete Method/Non Static Method

14.  Sealed Method

·         Method Parameters

15.  ValueType

16.  RefType

17.  ParamsArray

·         Local Variable

·         Object

·         Object Intializer

·         Constructor

·         Constructor overloading

·         Constructor Types

·         Default

·         Private

·         Copy

·         Parameterize

·         Static

·         Encapsulation

·         Access Modifier

·         Private

·         Public

·         Protected

·         Internal

·         Internal Protected

·         Inheritance

·         Single

·         Multilevel

·         Multiple Interface Inheritance

·         Hybrid

·         Hirarchical

·         Polymorphism

·         Function Overloading

·         Function Overriding

·         Function Hidding

·         Virtual And Override Keyword

·         Virtual Method

·         Abstraction

·         Abstract Class

·         Abstract Method

·         Abstract Keyword

·         Interface

·         Interface Implementation

·         Default Implementation

·         Explicit Implementation

·         Interface Types

·         Non Generic Interface

·         Generic Interface


OPPs:- Object-Oriented Programming System (OOPs) is a programming concept that works on the principles of abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

Object-oriented programming is about creating objects that contain both data and methods.Classes and objects are the two main aspects of object-oriented programming.

For example:- Everything in C# is associated with classes and objects, along with its attributes and methods.  in real life, a car is an object. The car has attributes, such as weight and color, and methods, such as drive and brake.

A Class is like an object constructor, or a "blueprint" for creating objects.

When a variable is declared directly in a class, it is often referred to as a field (or attribute) and that you can access them by creating an object of the class, and by using the dot syntax (.).

    class Car


        string color = "red";

        int maxSpeed = 200;


        static void Main(string[] args)


            Car myObj = new Car();






#Pillars of Object Oriented Programming

·         Encapsulation

·         Inheritance

·         Polypmorphism

·        Abstraction


Class:- A class is a data structure that may contain data members (constants and fields), function members (methods, properties, events, indexers, operators, instance constructors, destructors and static constructors), and nested types.

·        Class types support inheritance.

·        Class are reference types.

·        The Default accessibility of class is internal we can make it only public and the class member default accessility is private(it is not fixed).we can make public,protected and internal.

·        Class describe all the attributes and behaviour of a method.


# In Object oriented programming Class is user defined data type which holds its own data members and  member functions that can be access and used by creating the instance of that class.


# Class is user defined type.


# A class is an encapsulation of properties and methods that are used to represent a real-time entity.


# A Class consists of data and behavior. Class data is represented by it's fields and behavior is represented its methods.


Why used Classes

We have simple data types like int, float, double, etc. If you want to create complex custom types, then we can make use of classes.    



 class Customer


        //Fields represent the class data.

        string _firstName;

        string _lastName;


//Constructor used to initialez class fields.Constructor can't have return type.

        public Customer(string FirstName,string LastName)


            _firstName = FirstName;

            _lastName = LastName;               


            this._firstName = FirstName;

            this._lastName = LastName;


            //for better readability use this keyword.athis keyword represent the instance of this class.            



        //Method represent the behavior of class.

        public void PrintFullName()


              Console.WriteLine("Full Name={0}", this._firstName, this._lastName);           




    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            Customer C1 = new Customer("SunFarma","Biotech");

            Customer C2 = new Customer("Hair", "Technology");



C1,C2 is the instance/object of the class.A Constructor called              automatically when the instance of the class is created.       




#Static and Instance Member of Class


·        When a class member includes a static modifier ,the member is called as static member.When no static modifier is present the member is called as non static member or instance member.

·        Static member are invoked using class name , where as instance member are invoked using instances(object) of the class.

·        An Instance member belongs to specific instance(object) of a class. If i create 3 objects of a class, i will have 3 sets of instance members in the memory, where as there will ever be only one copy of a static member, no matter how many instances of classs is created.


Classs members: fields,methods,properties,events,indexer,constructors. 


1.Instance Member 


   class Circle


        float _PI = 3.141f;

        int _Radius;


        public Circle(int Radius)


            this._Radius = Radius;            



        public float CalculateArea()


            return this._PI * this._Radius * this._Radius;




    class Program


        public static void Main()


            Circle C1 = new Circle(5);

            float Area1 = C1.CalculateArea();



            Circle C2 = new Circle(5);

            float Area2 = C2.CalculateArea();

            Console.WriteLine("Area={0}", Area2);






   2.Static Member    


    class Circle


        static float _PI; // use static modifier if the value of the class member is not changed per object.

        int _Radius;


        public Circle(int Radius)


            this._Radius = Radius;



        static Circle()


            //A Static Constructor must be parameterless.And does not have any access modifier.

            //Static Constructor does not need to be called.

            //Static Constructor will be invoked only once for all of instances of the class.


            Circle._PI = 3.141f;


            //this._PI is wrong here because this represent instance member.                       

            //this._Radius is wrong here because this keyword is not valid with static property,static method.   



        public float CalculateArea()


            return Circle._PI * this._Radius * this._Radius;




    class Program


        public static void Main()


            Circle C1 = new Circle(5);

            float Area1 = C1.CalculateArea();



            Circle C2 = new Circle(6);

            float Area2 = C2.CalculateArea();

            Console.WriteLine("Area={0}", Area2);





#Classes Types                                                 


Concrete class :-

·        A concrete class is a class that has an implementation for all of its methods.

Static Class:-

·        Is sealed/Not Inherited

·        Cannot be instantiated.//use class name to call member.

·        Use 'static' Keyword

·        Contains only static members.

·        Cannot contain Instance Constructors have static constructor.

Sealed Class :-

·        Is sealed/Not Inherited.

·        Can be instantiated.

·        Use 'sealed' Keyword.

Abstract Class :-

·        Is not sealed/Inherited.

·        Cannot be instantiated.

·        Use 'abstract' Keyword.

·        Contains abstract and non abstract method.

Non-Static/Singleton Class:-

·        Non-static class allows only one instance of itself to be created.

·        Use Private Constructor.

Partial Class:-

·        A partial class is a special feature of C#. It provides a special ability to implement the functionality of a single class into multiple files and all these files are combined into a single class file when the application is compiled. A partial class is created by using a partial keyword.



Object:- In object oriented programming object is an instance of the class that has attribute(property),  behaviour and identity.Attribute and behaviour of an object are defined by the class defination.

An example of an object is a car. A car has attributes (e.g., colour, size, weight, fuel capacity,  number of passengers, etc.

). A car has behaviour represented by its methods (e.g., start engine, turn  left/right, accelerate, stop, turn on wipers, etc.).

A class is a special kind of object that’s used as a template for creating instances of itself. Think  of it like a cookie cutter that produces cookies (or objects).

It is useful to think of an object's identity as the place where its value is stored in memory or user  defined names of objects.


# The Reference type variable:- The Reference type variable is such type of variable in C# that holds the reference of memory address instead of value. class, interface, delegate, array are the reference type. When you create an object of the particular class with new keyword, space is created in the managed heap that holds the reference of classes.


   class Program


        public static void Main()


            Program1 p = new Program();

            //Here p is a Class(Program) reference variable.




Object Initializer :- C# 3.0 (.NET 3.5) introduced Object Initializer Syntax, a new way to initialize an object of a class or collection. Object initializers allow you to assign values to the fields or properties at the time of creating. an object without invoking a constructor.


     public class Student


            public int StudentID { get; set; }

            public string StudentName { get; set; }

            public int Age { get; set; }

            public string Address { get; set; }



        class Program


            static void Main(string[] args)


                Object Initializer Syntax:-

                Student std = new Student()


                    StudentID = 1,

                    StudentName = "Bill",

                    Age = 20,

                    Address = "New York"



            var student1 = new Student() { StudentID = 1, StudentName = "John" };

            var student2 = new Student() { StudentID = 2, StudentName = "Steve" };

            var student3 = new Student() { StudentID = 3, StudentName = "Bill" };

            var student4 = new Student() { StudentID = 3, StudentName = "Bill" };

            var student5 = new Student() { StudentID = 5, StudentName = "Ron" }; 



            Collection initializer Syntax:-


            List<Student> studentList = new List<Student>() {

                 new Student() { StudentID = 1, StudentName = "John"} ,

                 new Student() { StudentID = 2, StudentName = "Steve"} ,

                 new Student() { StudentID = 3, StudentName = "Bill"} ,

                 new Student() { StudentID = 3, StudentName = "Bill"} ,

                 new Student() { StudentID = 4, StudentName = "Ram" } ,

                 new Student() { StudentID = 5, StudentName = "Ron" }







Method :- A method is a block of code which only runs when it is called. You can pass data, known as parameters, into a method. Methods are used to perform certain actions, and they are also known as functions.Why use methods? To reuse code: define the code once, and use it many times.

# Method is a code block that contain a series of statement to perform a specific task.

#Function are called independently while method are called by using instance(object).

#Function are used in structure programming while methods use in object oriented programming.

#Method and Function terms are used interchangebly.



access-modifiers return-type method-name(parameters)





# Just like with fields, you can access methods with the dot syntax. However, note that the method must be public. And remember that we use the name of the method followed by two parantheses () and a semicolon ; to call (execute) the method:


    class Car


        string color;                 // field

        int maxSpeed;                 // field

        public void fullThrottle()    // method


            Console.WriteLine("The car is going as fast as it can!");



        static void Main(string[] args)


            Car myObj = new Car();

            myObj.fullThrottle();  // Call the method




Why did we declare the method as public, and not static?


The reason is simple: a static method can be accessed without creating an object of the class, while public methods can only be accessed by objects.


#Instance method vs static method


#argument vs parameter

·        parameters are the names listed in the function's definition.

·        arguments are the real values passed to the function.

·        parameters are initialized to the values of the arguments supplied.


#The 4 types of method parameters

·        Value Parameters:- Create the copy of the parameters,so modifications does not affect each other. 

·        Reference Parameters(ref keyword):- The ref parameter keyword on a method parameter refer to the same variable that was passed into the method. Any change made into the into the method reflected into the  that variable when control passed back to calling method.

·        Out Parameters(out keyword):- Use when you want to a method return multiple value.ref can also return multiple value.

·        Parameter Arrays(params keyword):- The params keyword lets you specify a method parameter that takes a variable number of arguments.


#Optional Parameters :- A parameter with a default value, is often known as an "optional parameter".


#Named Parameters in C#

#Types of Method in C#

·        Pure Virtual Method

·        Virtual Method

·        Abstract Method

·        Concreat Method

·        Partial Method

·        Static Method

·        Sealed Method


Sealed methods:-A sealed class is a class which cannot be a base class of another more derived class.

A sealed method in an unsealed class is a method which cannot be overridden in a derived class of this class.


To prevent being overridden, use the sealed in C#. When you use sealed modifiers in C# on a method, then the method loses its capabilities of overriding. The sealed method should be part of a derived class and the method must be an overridden method.


      public sealed override void getResult() { }



Fields and Property:- A field is a variable of any type that is declared directly in a class or struct. Fields are members of their containing type.


#Why Properties:-Marking the class  field public and exposing to the external world is bad idea, as you will not have control over what gets assigned and returned.This is the violation all  business rules. 


   class Student


        public int _id;

        public string _name;

        public int _passMark;       



    class Program


        public static void Main()


            Student C1 = new Student();

            C1._id = -101;

            C1._name = null;

            C1._passMark = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("Student Id={0} && Name={1} && PassMark={2}",C1._id,C1._name,C1._passMark);




# Programming languages that does not have properties use getter and setter methods to encapsulates and protect fields.


  class Student


        private int _id;

        public string _name;

        public int _passMark;


        public void SetId(int id)




                throw new Exception("Student id should be greater than 0");



            this._id = id;



        public int GetId()


            return _id;




    class Program


        public static void Main()


            Student C1 = new Student();


            Console.WriteLine("Student Id={0}",C1.GetId());




# Properties are the special type of class members that provides a flexible mechanism to read, write, or change the class variable's value(fields) without affecting the external way of accessing it in our applications.

#Properties expose fields.

#Fields should (almost always) be kept private to a class and accessed via get and set properties. Properties provide a level of abstraction allowing you to change the fields while not affecting the external way they are accessed by the things that use your class.



 class Student


        //Class Fields

        private int _id;

        public string _name;

        public int _passMark;


        //Class Properties

        public int Id




                if (value <= 0)


                    throw new Exception("Student Id should be greater than 0");


                this._id = value;




               return  this._id;




        //Auto Implemented properties.

        public string Email { get; set }



    class Program


        public static void Main()


            Student C1 = new Student();

            C1.Id = 101;

            Console.WriteLine("Student Id={0}",C1.Id);





·        Read and Write Properties: - When property contains both get and set methods.

·        Read-Only Properties:- When property contains only get method.

·        Write Only Properties:-  When property contains only set method.

·        Auto Implemented Properties:- If there is no additional logic in the property accessors,then we can make use of auto implemented properties introduced in C#3.0.These reduce the ammount of code that we have to write.

#When we use Auto Implemented Properties,the compiler creates a a private , annonymous field that can be access through the property's get and set accessors.


Properties and fields provide access to the data contained in an object.Both fields and properties are typed, so you can store information in them as string values, as int values, and so on. However, properties differ from fields in that they don’t provide direct access to data.


Objects can shield users from the nitty-gritty details of their data, which needn’t be represented on a one-to-one basis in the properties that exist. If you used a field for the number of sugars in a CupOfCoffee instance, then users could place whatever values they liked in the field, limited only by the

limits of the type used to store this information. If, for example, you used an int to store this data, then users could use any value between −2147483648 and 2147483647, as shown in Chapter 3. Obviously, not all values make sense, particularly the negative ones, and some of the large positive amounts might require an inordinately large cup. If you use a property for this information, then you could limit this value to, say, a number between 0 and 2. In general, it is better to provide properties rather than fields for state access because you have more control over various behaviors. This choice doesn’t affect code that uses object instances because the syntax for using properties and fields is the same.Read/write access to properties may also be clearly defined by an object.



Constructor:- Constructor is a special method of class that is invoked automatically when the  instance of class is created and initialized all the data memeber of class.constructer has the same  name as class.The main use of constructors is to initialize private fields of the class while creating an instance  for the class.


·        Constructor of a class must have the same name as the class name in  which it resides.

·        A constructor can not be abstract, final/sealed Synchronized.

·        A constructor doesn’t have any return type, not even void.

·        A class can have any number of constructors.

·        Access modifiers can be used in constructor declaration to control its access i.e which other class can call the constructor.

·        With no public constructors, it will not be possible to create an instance of your class.


#Constuctor Overloading:-


1.Defuault:- When you have not created a constructor in the class, the compiler will automatically  create a default constructor of the class. The default constructor initializes all numeric fields in  the class to zero and all string and object fields to null Refrence


#Instance constructors are used to create and initialize any instance member variables when you use the new expression to create an object of a class.

#All value types implicitly declare a public parameterless instance constructor called the default constructor. The default constructor returns a zero-initialized instance known as the default value for the value type:


# Default access modifier for Default constructor is Public.but if u create a constructor of your own then the default access modifer is private.


2.Parameterize:A constructor with at least one parameter is called a parametrized constructor


3.Copy:This constructor will creates an object by copying variables from another object. Its main use is to initialize a new instance to the values of an existing instance.

A copy constructor creates a new object by copying variables from an existing object of the same type.C# does not provide a copy constructor, so if you want one you must provide it yourself.



# A static constructor is used to initialize static fields of the class or to perform an particullar action that needs to be executed only once.

# When a constructor is created using a static keyword, it will be invoked only once for all of instances of the class and it is invoked before the creation of the first instance of the class.

# A static constructor runs before an instance constructor.

# If you don't provide a static constructor to initialize static fields, all static fields are initialized to their default value.

# Access modifier are not allowed with static constructor.

# A static constructor cannot be a parameterized constructor or we can say

Static constructors are parameterless.

# Within a class, you can create only one static constructor.


A class can have a single static constructor, which must have no access modifiers and cannot have any parameters. A static constructor can never be called directly; instead, it is executed when one of the following occurs:

An instance of the class containing the static constructor is created.

A static member of the class containing the static constructor is accessed.


In both cases, the static constructor is called first, before the class is instantiated or static members accessed. No matter how many instances of a class are created, its static constructor will only be called once.


all nonstatic constructors are also known as instance constructors.

If your class declares a static constructor, you will be guaranteed that the static constructor will run before any instance of your class is created


 class Circle


        static float _PI;

        int _Radius;


        public Circle(int Radius)


            this._Radius = Radius;



        static Circle()


            Circle._PI = 3.141f;




        public float CalculateArea()


            return Circle._PI * this._Radius * this._Radius;




    class Program


        public static void Main()


            Circle C1 = new Circle(5);

            float Area1 = C1.CalculateArea();



            Circle C2 = new Circle(6);

            float Area2 = C2.CalculateArea();

            Console.WriteLine("Area={0}", Area2);




·         A Static Constructor must be parameterless.And does not have any access modifier.

·         Static Constructor does not need to be called.

·         Static Constructor will be invoked only once for all of instances of the class.


·        What is static constructor.

When a constructor is created using a static keyword then it is called static constructor.

·        use of static constructor.

A static constructor is used to initialize static fields of the class and to write the code that needs to be executed only once.

·        can we have access modifier in static constructor


·        can we pass parameters in static constructor.


·        how to call static constructor or when static constructor is called.

·        how many time we can call static constructor.

Only Once.


5.Private:- Private constructors are used to prevent creating instances of a class .When a constructor is created with a private specifier, it is not possible for other classes to derive from this class, neither is it possible to create an instance of this class. They are usually used in classes that contain static members only.

Some key points of a private constructor are:

1.One use of a private constructor is when we have only static members.

2.It provides an implementation of a singleton class pattern

3.Once we provide a constructor that is either private or public or any, the compiler will not add the parameter-less public constructor to the class.

or we can say we can not put private and public constructor at once in a class.



Constructor Channing:- Constructor Chaining is an approach where a constructor calls another constructor in the same or base class.we can achieve using this and base keyword.


Note:-Second link also important

Constructor chaining is strongly coupled with constructor overloading.

·        Static constructors initialize only static members of the type.

·        Private constructors are special constructors used only in classes that contain only static members.

·        Copy constructors take as an argument an instance of the same class.

·        Instance constructors are the most commonly used. They initialize the instance member variables when you use the new expression.


1.Encapsulation:- Encapsulation means bind the data members (Variable) and member functions (Method) in a single unit for prevent unauthorized access of them.

Example: Classes

We can achieve encapsulation by Access modifier in C#


Note:- Elements(class,interface,struct,enum) defined in a namespace cannot be explicitly declared as private, protected, or protected internal or we can say default accessbility of class ,interface,struct,enum are internal and change to only public.  



·        Public:- The type or member can be accessed by any other code in the same assembly or another assembly that references it.

·        Private:- Private member are accessible  only within their containing type.

·        Protected:-Protected Members are accessible, with in the containing type and to the types that derive from the containing type.

·        Internal:- The type with internal access modifier is accessible anywhere within their containing assembly.

·        Protected Internal:- Protected Internal members can be accessed by any code in the assembly in which it is declared, or from within a derived class in another assembly.



Note:- During Inheritance BaseClass can not less accessable compare to derived otherwise it would be compile time error.

    class BaseClass





    public class DerivedClass:BaseClass




it gives compile time error. Inconsistent accessabiltiy


2.Inheritance:- Inheritance means reuse the code functionality and speed up the implementation time.Types of  Inheritance in C#:

# A Parent Class refrence variable can point to a Derived class object.

 ParentClass r2 = new DerivedClass();

// Here r2 is parent class refrence variable.

// new DerivedClass() is a derived class object. 


# Sealed Classses:- Sealed classes are used to restrict the users from inheriting the class. A class can be sealed by using the sealed keyword. The keyword tells the compiler that the class is sealed, and therefore, cannot be extended. No class can be derived from a sealed class.


# A method can also be sealed, and in that case, the method cannot be overridden. However, a method can be sealed in the classes in which they have been inherited. If you want to declare a method as sealed, then it has to be declared as virtual in its base class.


# Sealed classes are used best when you have a class with static members.


# Marking a class as Sealed prevents tampering of important classes that can compromise security, or affect performance.


# Many times, sealing a class also makes sense when one is designing a utility class with fixed behaviour, which we don't want to change.


# For example, System namespace in C# provides many classes which are sealed, such as String. If not sealed, it would be possible to extend its functionality, which might be undesirable, as it's a fundamental type with given functionality.


# Sometimes, when you are building class hierarchies, you might want to cap off a certain branch in the inheritance chain, based on your domain model or business rules.


1.Single:A class inherited by single parent class.







    public class Employee


        public float salary = 40000;


    public class Programmer : Employee


        public float bonus = 10000;


    class TestInheritance


        public static void Main(string[] args)


            Programmer p1 = new Programmer();


            Console.WriteLine("Salary: " + p1.salary);

            Console.WriteLine("Bonus: " + p1.bonus);





2.MultiLevel:- When one class inherits another class which is further inherited by another class, it is known as multi level inheritance in C#.








3.Multiple Interface Inheritance:A Class inherited by multiple parent class.

A   B



4.Hirarchical:More than one class is inherited from the base class in Hierarchical Inheritance.



B    C    D    E

Ex :-

  public class Employee


        public string FirstName;

        public string LastName;       


        public void PrintFullName()


            Console.WriteLine(FirstName+" "+LastName);




    public class FullTimeEmployee:Employee


        public float YearlySalary;



    public class PartTimeEmployee:Employee


        public float HourlySalary;



    public class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            FullTimeEmployee FT = new FullTimeEmployee();

            FT.FirstName = "Mittal";

            FT.LastName = "Kumar";





5.Hybrid:Combination of Multiple and Hirarchical Inheritance



B         C




3.Polymorhpism:- Polymorphism provides the ability to a class to have multiple implementations with the same name. It is one of the core principles of Object Oriented Programming after encapsulation and inheritance.

There are two types of polymorphism in C#

1.Static / Compile Time Polymorphism:-It is also known as Early Binding. Method overloading is an example of Static Polymorphism.It is also known as Compile Time Polymorphism because the decision of which method is to be called is made at compile time.

Here C# compiler checks the number of parameters passed and the type of parameter and make the decision of which method to call and it throw an error if no matching method is found.

2.Dynamic / Runtime Polymorphism:- Dynamic / runtime polymorphism is also known as late binding. Here, the method name and the method signature (number of parameters and parameter type must be the same and may have a different implementation). Method overriding is an example of dynamic polymorphism.

Here C# compiler would not be aware of the method available for overriding the functionality, so the compiler does not throw an error at compile time.



# Method Overriding means creating more than function with same name and same in parameter but in diffirent class one should be  baseclass and other should be derived class. We use virtual keyword in base class and override keyword  in derived class.

  public class BaseClass


        public virtual void Print()


            Console.WriteLine("I am in BaseClass");




    public class DerivedClass : BaseClass


        public override void Print()


            Console.WriteLine("I am in DerivedClass");



    public class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            DerivedClass obj = new DerivedClass();






#Method Overloading means create more than one function with same name and in same class but diffirent number and type of parameters and a function also be overloaded with different kind of parameters.Real world example of function overloading is Calculator.

  class FunctionOverloading


        public static void Add(int fn, int ln) { }     

        public static void Add(float fn, float ln) { }

        public static void Add(int fn, float ln) { }

        public static void Add(int fn, int ln, int mn) { }

        public static void Add(int fn, int ln, out int Sum)


            Sum = fn + ln;



Note:- A method can not be overloaded just based on return type or params keyword.

#Method Hiding C# also provides a concept to hide the methods of the base class in a derived class, this concept is known as Method Hiding. It is also known as Method Shadowing.

In method hiding, we can hide the implementation of base class method  from the derived class by using the new keyword. Or in other words, in method hiding, you can redefine the base class method in the derived class by using the new keyword.

   class BaseClass


                public void Print()


                    Console.WriteLine("I am in BaseClass");




            class DerivedClass : BaseClass


                public new void Print()


                   Console.WriteLine("I am in DerivedClass");



            class Program


                static void Main(string[] args)


                    DerivedClass obj = new DerivedClass();




How to call a hidden method:-

·        By using the base keyword.

·        By casting the derived class type to base class type.

·        Instead of using derived class reference variable we use the parent class reference variable for calling the hidden method.




Note:- If we have two class one is BaseClass and Other is DerivedClass and we want to redefine the implementation of BaseClass method in DerivedClass then we have two choices one is Method Overriding  and other is Method Hiding.Method Overriding achieve by virtual and override keyword while Method Hiding achieve by new keyword. In Method Overriding we just override the existing BaseClass method in Derived Class and provide it to a new implementation. In Method Hiding we Hide the Implementation of BaseClass method in DerivedClass and create a new method with same name and provide a new implementation to it. 


4.Abstraction:- Data Abstraction means hide the complexity and  showing the related functionality of the system to the User.

Data abstraction is the process of hiding certain details and showing only essential information to the user.Abstraction can be achieved with either abstract classes or interfaces.

Example:Like we use many namespaces and package in our application we just pass the reference of the  them witout knowing the complexity behind them. Abstract class use for acheive the abstraction.

# Abstract class:- When we create a class with abstract keyword it is known as abstract class.we can not create the instance of abstract class.Abstract class can have abstract and non abstract method.Abstract member must be implemented by non-abstract classes that derive from the abstract class.


#Note:- We would create an abstract class , when we want to move the common functionality of 2 or more related classes into a base class and when we don't want that base class to be instantiated.

# A abstract class can have constructure  :Yes

# Use of virtual method in asbtract class.

 public abstract class Customer


        public abstract void Print1();


        public void Print2()


            Console.WriteLine("Print2 Method");




    class Program: Customer


        public override void Print1()


            Console.WriteLine("Print1 Method");



        public static void Main()


            Program p = new Program();






//Or we can do this


 public abstract class Customer


        public abstract void Print1();


        public void Print2()


            Console.WriteLine("Print2 Method");




    abstract class Program: Customer


        public static void Main()






Properties of Abstract Class

·        we can not create the instance of abstract class.

·        An abstract class can not be static or sealed.

·        A abstract class,class,interface can not be define as private because element define in a namespace can not be explicitly(manually) declared private,protected,protected internal these are by default internal and can be declared as public. 

·        we can define static and virtual method in abstract class but need to define body but we can not define a abstract method as static because a static can not be abtract or partial,override or virtual.

·        we can not define private abstract method in abstract class.

·         Abstract class can inherit another abstract class or normal class but can not implement interface and can not inherit another static class.

·        Can we use virtual method in abstract class?

Answer: Yes, We can have virtual method in an Abstract class in C#. This is true that both virtual and abstract method allow derived classes to override and implement it. But, difference is that an abstract method forces derived classes to implement it whereas virtual method is optional.





Example:Animal Class(Base Class)

SubClass:Dog Class,Cat Class,Cow Class.


# Interface:- Interface is a contract where we can defined only public abstract method and method must be implement by a class that implement the interface.

# We create interface using interface keyword. Just like classes interfaces also contains properties,methods, delegates or events , but only declaration and no implementations. 

# Interface allow us to to develope loosely-coupled application(System).

# Interface are very useful for dependeny Injection.

# Interface make unit testing and mocking easier.


An interface is a collection of public instance (that is, nonstatic) methods and properties that are grouped together to encapsulate specific functionality. After an interface has been defined, you can implement it in a class. This means that the class will then support all of the properties and members specified by the interface. Interfaces cannot exist on their own. You can’t ‘‘instantiate an interface’’ as you can a class.


    interface ICustomer


        Product product { get; set; }             //Properties

        void Print();                      //Method

        //int i;                           //Field Not Allowed



    interface IRegion:ICustomer


        void DeliveryAttempt();



    interface IProduct


        void Details();



    class Program : IRegion,IProduct



        public void DeliveryAttempt()


            throw new NotImplementedException();



        public void Print()


            throw new NotImplementedException();



        public void Details()


            throw new NotImplementedException();




        public static void Main()


            Program p = new Program();




            IRegion r = new Program();




            // r is a interface reference variable





·        Interface does not have fields so obiviously no constructor.

·        By default interface are Internal by accessabilty. Interface member can not have access modifier because by default they are public.

·        We can not create the instance of Interface but an interface reference variable can point to a derived class.

·        Interface method must be implemented by a Derived Class.

·        We can declare only abstract method(only declartion ,no defination) in interface.

·        We always use public modifier for implement interface method in derivied class.

·        Interface slove the problem of multiple class inheritance because a class can inherite multiple interface but can't inherit multiple class.

·        An Interface can inherit only another Interface not a class or abstract class.


#Default Interface Implementation.


   interface I1


        void IneterfaceMethod();



    interface I2


        void IneterfaceMethod();



    class Program : I1,I2


        //Default Interface Implementation

        public void IneterfaceMethod()


            Console.WriteLine("I1 Interface Method");



        //Explicit Interface Implementation

        void I2.IneterfaceMethod()


            Console.WriteLine("I2 Interface Method");



        public static void Main()


            Program p = new Program();






#Explicit Interface Implementation.

How to implement two interface with same name method in C#?



# Access modifier are not allowed on explicitly implemented interface member.

# when a class explicitly implments an interface, the interface member can no longer be accessed through class refrence variable,but only through interface refrence variable.


   interface I1


        void IneterfaceMethod();



    interface I2


        void IneterfaceMethod();



    class Program : I1,I2


        void I1.IneterfaceMethod()


            Console.WriteLine("I1 Interface Method");



        void I2.IneterfaceMethod()


            Console.WriteLine("I2 Interface Method");



        public static void Main()


            Program p = new Program();

            //Type Caste




            //Here I1,I2 are interface refrence variable.



            I1 i1 = new Program();

            I2 i2 = new Program();







# virtual and abstract method can not be private.

# can not create an instance of the abstract class and interface. 






# Diff between declaration,implementation, definition.


# Diff between Constructor and Method

          Constructor                                                    Method

A constructor is used to initialize an object.                   Method is used to expose the behavior of an object.

The constructor must not have a return type.               Method has or not have a return type.

Constructor must be the same as the class                   Method name may or may not be same as the class name


A constructor is invoked implicitly as well as ex         Method is invoked only explicitly.



# Diff between Abstract Method and Virtual Method.

·        Abstract method have only defination and Virtual mehod have defination and body in same class.

·        Abstract mehtod forece to derived for implement itself but Virtual mehtod it is optional.

·        Abstract and Virtual Metohd can't be declared private.

# Diff between Abstract Class and Interface.


# Diff between Virtual and Override keyword.

Virtual:- Virtual makes a base class method ovveridable in derived class.The virtual keyword designates a method that is overridden in derived classes.

Private virtual methods cannot be declared in the C# language.


Override :- Override keyword modifies a virtual method of base class in derived class.The override keyword specifies that a method replaces its virtual base method. We use override in derived classes to replace inherited methods.


# Diff between Constructor and Properties.



# Diff between Instance and Constructure.


# Diff between Instance and Object.


# Diff between method overloading and method hiding.


1.Method Overriding is a technique that allows the invoking of functions from another class (base class) in the derived class.

2.It only redefines the implementation of the method.


1.In Method Hiding, you can hide the implementation of the methods of a base class from the derived class using the new keyword. Or in other words, in method hiding, you can redefine the method of the base class in the derived class by using the new keyword.

2.In method hiding, you can completely redefine the method.


# Diff between Sealed Classes and Static Classes.

Sealed Class                             |        Static Class

--------------------------             |-------------------------

it can inherit From other      | it cannot inherit From other

classes but cannot be           | classes as well as cannot be

inherited                                   | inherited


A class can be declared static, indicating that it contains only static members. It is not possible to create instances of a static class using the new keyword. Static classes are loaded automatically by the .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR) when the program or namespace containing the class is loaded.


Sealed Class:- A sealed class cannot be used as a base class. Sealed classes are primarily used to prevent derivation. Because they can never be used as a base class, some run-time optimizations can make calling sealed class members slightly faster.


# Diff between Abstract Class and Interface.

1.Abstract class can have implementation for some of its members(methods),but the interface can't have implementation for any of its members.

2.Abstract class have fields where as Interface can't have fields.

3.Abstract class can inherit from another abstract class or another interface where as an interface can inherit from another interface only.

4.Abstract class members can have access modifiers where as interface members can't have access modifiers.


# Diff between pure virtual method and abstract method.

# Constructor Types according to Access Modifier

·        Public

·        Private

·        Static

·        Base:Base keyword is used to call the Base Class constructor.

·        Static

·        This


# Abstract type and concrete type:In programming languages, an abstract type is a type in a nominative type system that cannot be instantiated directly; a type that is not abstract – which can be instantiated – is called a concrete type. Every instance of an abstract type is an instance of some concrete subtype        


Static vs Abstract Class:-

static indicates the class can only have static members and you cannot create an instance of it. This is used for stateless functionality (for example a type that just defines extension methods, or utility methods). You can also declare a member static on a non-static class. This allows you to attach functionality to a type without having to instantiate it.

abstracts define the basic structure and functionality shared by all derivative types, but cannot be used by themselves. Think of them as, I suppose, a blue print and a contract. This is a core concept for OOP.

Static Class: Declared with Static keyword, methods in Static Class are also static along with variables of the class.

This class cannot be instantiated, i.e we cannot have objects of this class. To access methods of this class, you can directly use classname.method. Also, this class cannot be inherited.

Abstract Class: Declared with abstract keyword, this class is primarily created as an Inheritable class. An abstract class enables other classes to inherit from this class but forbids to instantiate. One can inherit from an abstract class but we cannot create objects of an abstract class. Abstract class can have abstract as well as non-abstract methods. Abstract methods are those which are not having method definition.

In loosely coupled architecture, services and applications:-

·        Serve a single purpose or have a single responsibility

·        Have a clear interface for communication

·        Have less dependencies on each other

·        Can be agnostic to outside concerns

·        Can change their underlining technology without affecting the rest of the application

·        Are easier to automate tests

·        Can be deployed independently without affecting the rest of ecosystem

·        Can scale independently

·        Can fail independently

·        Allow your teams to work independently, without relying on other teams for support and services

·        Allow small and frequent changes

·        Have less technical debts

·        Have a faster recovery from failure


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